Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Watson Lake

We had a busy Saturday working on school assignments and doing stuff around the house. We finished almost everything and decided to take a break and go relax at Watson Lake in Prescott. It was really fun walking around the rocks and enjoying the view. Max loved throwing rocks into the water (or trying to at least). It’s so nice when we can just pick up and leave at the spur of the moment. We’ve just been sooo busy with school and work that we don’t have much time together as a family. Saturday was really nice. We will definitely be going back sometime. IMG_4645 IMG_4656 IMG_4666 0829091633 (1) - Copy 0829091634 - Copy 0829091637 - Copy downsized_0829091653a - Copy IMG_4611 - Copy IMG_4612 - Copy IMG_4613 IMG_4617 IMG_4622 IMG_4624 IMG_4633.jpeg IMG_4637 IMG_4639 IMG_4641 IMG_4642 IMG_4643




Lizzy said...

These pictures are sooooo good. The backgrounds are so pretty they look fake! You guys are adorable.

Terrence said...

I can't believe Max is 1. You guys rock!!!