Thursday, December 10, 2009

Outta the Loop!

Sorry I’ve been a little out of the loop lately. I finally finished up my last class and then I’ve had to work on my observation hours which need to be completed before I start student teaching.

I was finally placed with with the class that I will be student teaching in. The teacher is amazing. I’ve been observing her and her class all week and I must say that I feel a little intimidated. I guess I just feel like I still know nothing. Even after all this schooling, reading, and assignments nothing nothing compares to the actual experience of teaching kids. I know I will gain a great deal of valuable experience with this teacher and this class. I’m scared but excited! I begin on January 4th.

Max had a double ear infection last week… poor baby! That was the first time he’s ever really been sick so I am grateful for that. He also had his 15 month check up and he’s still in the 95th percentile for his height and 50th percentile for his weight. He had three shots including that H1N1 vaccination.

He’s starting to say more words and he understands a ton. I can talk to him and I feel like he understands almost everything I' say to him. Brenda says that he’s very aware and that he should be easy to potty train. I hope she’s right!

Michael is doing great at work. He’s in his last very last class! He should be completely finished with school on January 25th… until grad school that is! He’s still the best husband a woman could ask for.

We are busy but very happy!


Aston Family said...

You will do great at your student teaching Bianca!!! :) Glad every one is doing well!!! Poor lil Max! Hope he is feeling better! :(

Myranda said...

That is so awesome about finishing your classes!!1