Sunday, February 28, 2010

Max’s very first hair cut.

It’s about time, right? We weren’t planning on cutting his hair because we wanted him to have some cute curls, but it was just getting outta control. If we wanted his hair to look decent, we would have to comb it every 10 minutes. His hair is so fine so it just tangles up really easily.

He looks so handsome now :) 

 1st haircut 11 1st haircut 10 1st haircut 9 1st haircut 8 1st haircut 7 1st haircut 6

In the background of this picture, you can kind of see two parents holding their child down. That kid was acting like he was being killed… no joke. I’ve never seen a kid so traumatized before. I felt so sorry for him. We were all really surprised that Max kept his composure with that screaming child next to him.

1st haircut 5 1st haircut 4

He was so good. He loved being in that car. The stylist was impressed by how well he cooperated. He just let her do her thing and meanwhile enjoyed his sucker. 1st haircut 3 1st haircut 2 1st haircut 1

So handsome! I love that boy!


Our Paper Plates said...

What a cutie! Love the new hair Max!!

Sara & Chuck said...

Congratulations!! Heard the scoop first from Bree. Well Bree had another boy, hopefully you cousins can all keep it going with boys!! Thats so cool. Hope all is well. Chuck and I need to make it out there soon to see you guys. My brother is in spring training for the Milwaukee Brewers right now in Maryvale. So we will see.

The Mortons said...

awwww cute bonc! i wish they had a place with cool seats for kanoa