Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Before Max was born, Mike and I saw a video in our child birth class that shows how babies this young can imitate their parent's expressions. So I've been working with Max to stick out his tongue and he's obviously mastered the skill.


Tiffany said...

How adorable. He is so beautiful! What a good mama teaching him a great talent!

EmilyCC said...

Whoa! I didn't know a baby that young could do that!

So cute!

Anonymous said...

Aw man he can smile now? And stick out his tongue?? What a cutie...

Sarah said...

That is SOOO adorable! I remember Lincoln doing the same thing! This stage is just so amazing and it's the best with your first because you have so much more time on your hands! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. :)

Raadgep Fam said...

ADORABLE! That is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Don't know why everyone is so surprised!!! Natural talent runs rampant in the family. He's really a cutie pie, wish I could get my hands on him. I am so glad that you take the time to do this. It means so much to grampa and me to keep up with such a wonderful grandson and wife, not to mention the blessing of sharing Max's life. Keep up the good work both of you. luv to all three.